Cook Islands

In the Cook Islands, the CFAN Advisor will provide technical expertise and support on accessing public and private finance for investment in climate projects. 

In the Pipeline

Not all projects under development are listed below due to confidentiality constraints. As soon as projects are confirmed to be publicly viewable, we will add their details to the pipeline.

Advisor Responsibilities

Assist in developing and submitting climate finance funding proposals, including financing sources, engaging stakeholders, and assessing financial instruments, including with other key agencies and Ministries.

Support Climate Change Cook Islands (CCCI) in designing and facilitating in-country capacity building efforts to support transfer of skills and knowledge to local staff in relevant ministries and government offices.

Analyze financial data and use financial projections in related climate project design and recommend suitable financial structures.

As a part of the GCF/AF/GEF team, assist and support coordination between national stakeholders to progress projects through the Cook Islands climate investment pipeline.  

Embedded in:

Office of the Prime Minister

Implementing Partner