Become a Host Country

Identify investment opportunities to solve real world challenges.
A Demand-Driven Approach
CFAN was informed by two years of consultations with developing countries and climate finance practitioners. The result is an agile and demand-led program that responds to real-world challenges identified by developing country representatives. As a decentralized network, CFAN remains responsive to evolving challenges and opportunities through input and expertise provided by a diverse group of international and regional members.
Advisor Deployment
Once a country or Direct Access Entity has identified the need for an Advisor and indicated they are interested, CFAN Advisor Enrollment Members will deploy an embedded, trained CFAN Advisor to work in-country for at least one year. These advisors will focus on navigating the climate finance system and creating clear, concise, and concrete investment opportunities that will be attractive to donors. Countries will get to benefit from an advisor whose skills, expertise, and network can be leveraged to meet their needs and specific pipeline projects. Additionally — and significantly — CFAN advisors are fully funded and come at no cost to host countries.
Advisor Selection
CFAN was designed to hire locally and to train and deploy its advisors based on needs and circumstances expressed by key national stakeholders. Advisors’ terms of reference are co-developed with countries, the Network Coordinator, and the Advisor Enrollment Members to ensure that the right people are hired to deliver on countries’ needs and priorities.
Financing Climate Projects
A network of member initiatives leverage their technical expertise to deliver the training, provide in-country support, and build the long-term capacity needed for developing countries to secure and structure finance for priority climate projects in line with nationally determined contributions, national adaptation plans, the Sustainable Development Goals, and other sectoral targets.

Host Country Process
Learn the six steps to get real results in climate finance.