Read the latest update on CFAN's impact


Project Pipeline

CFAN's advisor is  based at the Department of Climate Change in the Ministry of Meteorology, Energy, Information, Disaster Management, Environment, Climate Change and Communications (MEIDECC).

In the Pipeline

In the Pipeline

Not all projects under development are listed below due to confidentiality constraints. As soon as projects are confirmed to be publicly viewable, we will add their details to the pipeline.

Grid Battery Energy Storage System for Tonga Renewable Energy Project
Theme Sustainable Energy
Funding Source Mitigation Action Facility

Concept Note
  • Development
  • Submitted for Review
  • Approved
Full Funding Proposal
  • Development
  • Submitted for Review
  • Approved
Upgrade and Rehabilitation of Popua Mangrove Nursery
Theme Blue Economy
Funding Source MFAT NZHC Tonga

Full Funding Proposal
  • Development
  • Submitted for Review
  • Approved
Building Resilient Island Communities (BRICs) Project
Theme Ecosystem / Coastal Resilience
Funding Source UK Pacific Partnership Facility (PPF)
Main Proponent Tonga Red Cross Society

Full Funding Proposal
  • Development
  • Submitted for Review
  • Approved

Advisor Responsibilities

Access international and domestic sources of public and private finance, and support the ministry in structuring finance for investment in their host country’s priority mitigation and adaptation projects.

Advising and  providing assistance to  the Ministry of  MEIDECC, the  Ministry of Finance, and  other  government  line  ministries, NGOs, and private sector  stakeholders in developing project proposals to submit to Green Climate Fund (GCF), Adaptation Fund (AF), Global Environment Facility (GEF), and other relevant donors and partners.

Providing assistance to  Government of Tonga on how to capitalize the existing Tonga Climate Change Trust Fund.

Tonga's Advisor

Lano Fonua

Lano Fonua

Lano has been working with mitigation and adaptation project finance in small island developing states in both the Caribbean and Pacific Islands for over 10-years, most recently as an Operations Officer at the Caribbean Development Bank.

Lano welcomes the opportunity to support Tonga’s climate resilient development.

Implementing Partner