
In the Pipeline

In the Pipeline

Not all projects under development are listed below due to confidentiality constraints. As soon as projects are confirmed to be publicly viewable, we will add their details to the pipeline.

Enhancing Climate Resilience in Jamaica’s Health Centres
Theme Cross-Cutting
Funding Source Green Climate Fund, co-financed by the Government of Jamaica
Main Proponent JSIF

Concept Note
  • Development
  • Submitted for Review
  • Approved
Full Funding Proposal
  • Development
  • Submitted for Review
  • Approved
Enhancing Climate Resilience in Jamaica's Public Schools
Theme Cross-Cutting
Funding Source Green Climate Fund, co-financed by the Government of Jamaica
Main Proponent JSIF

Concept Note
  • Development
  • Submitted for Review
  • Approved
Full Funding Proposal
  • Development
  • Submitted for Review
  • Approved
Rural Transformation Through Climate Resilient Agriculture
Theme Climate Resilient Agriculture
Funding Source Green Climate Fund, co-financed by the Government of Jamaica
Main Proponent JSIF

Concept Note
  • Development
  • Submitted for Review
  • Approved
Full Funding Proposal
  • Development
  • Submitted for Review
  • Approved

Advisor Responsibilities

Participate in discussions with the Government to prioritize and agree on projects for which funding proposals will be developed

Conduct pre-feasibility assessments of priority projects and programs engaging all relevant stakeholders.

Support financial, economic, social, and regulatory analysis throughout project design in collaboration with government counterparts, implementing partners and other stakeholders.

Contribute to the development of an overarching project pipeline strategy at the national level with an emphasis on the water, forestry, and energy sectors, as well as other climate sensitive sectors using cross sectoral approaches.

Coordinate closely with other embedded support provided by the NDC partnership (NDCP) in support to the Ministry of Finance and international initiatives such as the Task Force to Climate Finance, as well as coordinate between national ministries to accelerate projects through the investment pipeline.

Embedded in:

Jamaica Social Investment Fund (JSIF)

Jamaica's Advisor

Shalenie Madho

Shalenie Madho

Shalenie is an energy efficiency and energy management professional who has been working in the field of climate change across the Caribbean for SEVEN years. Her expertise and core strengths lie in energy auditing, capacity building, networking, and program and project management. She has recently taken a new role as Jamaica's CFAN Advisor under the NDC Partnership where she is providing support and technical expertise to the Jamaica Social Investment Fund (JSIF) on accessing public and private finance for investment in climate projects to address climate change priorities for Jamaica.

Prior to joining CFAN, Shalenie worked as a Technical Energy Consultant for the INTERREG V ‘Energy Transition in the Caribbean’ project with a focus on energy efficiency and its supporting frameworks, policies, and standards in commercial buildings across the eleven OECS member states while evaluating the energy sector through intense research, energy audits, and stakeholder engagement.

Shalenie has an MSc. in Renewable Energy Technology and a BSc. in Physics with double minors in Environmental Physics and Materials Science from the University of the West Indies, St. Augustine Campus. She is also a member of the Women in Renewable Energy (WIRE) Network since 2018.

“Climate change is a topic that weighs heavy on my heart because we need to protect our Earth for present and future generations through a collaborative approach. The CFAN Advisor role will give me the platform to showcase my skills and passion to climate change whilst gaining an appreciation and understanding of Jamaica’s people, environment, needs and priorities.”
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Implementing Partner