Read the latest update on CFAN's impact

St. Lucia

Project Pipeline

In the Pipeline

In the Pipeline

Not all projects under development are listed below due to confidentiality constraints. As soon as projects are confirmed to be publicly viewable, we will add their details to the pipeline.

Mainstreaming Climate Resilience into Water Sector Planning, Development and Operations in Saint Lucia
Theme Water
Funding Source GCF
Main Proponent Caribbean Development Bank

Concept Note
  • Development
  • Submitted for Review
  • Approved
Full Funding Proposal
  • Development
  • Submitted for Review
  • Approved
Implementing the Saint Lucia Fisheries Sectoral Adaptation Strategy Action Plan (SASAP)
Theme Blue Economy
Funding Source GCF
Main Proponent FAO

Concept Note
  • Development
  • Submitted for Review
  • Approved
Full Funding Proposal
  • Development
  • Submitted for Review
  • Approved
Saint Lucia Solar and Storage Microgrid Demonstration and Pipeline Development
Theme Sustainable Energy
Funding Source TBD
Main Proponent TBD

Concept Note
  • Development
  • Submitted for Review
  • Approved
Full Funding Proposal
  • Development
  • Submitted for Review
  • Approved

St. Lucia's Advisor

Skeeta Carasco

Skeeta Carasco

A Lucian national, Skeeta has been embedded with the Government of St. Lucia since 2023 as the very first CFAN advisor in the Caribbean.

An economist with an extensive background in research and development and experience in tariff setting, research, monitoring of utilities, data collection and sector policy, Skeeta has worked as CEO of the St Lucia National Telecommunications Regulatory Commission and for the National Utilities Regulatory Commission, Saint Lucia’s water and energy sector regulator.

Read more about Skeeta in this profile

“Breaking the barriers faced by small island developing states to access climate finance is the key to securing the future of islands. If there is one thing that all island leaders agree on; it is that accessing quality climate finance is one of the most urgent priorities for our countries.”
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