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CFAN Caribbean Cohort: Communication and Facilitation Module RfQ


Project Background 

In its role as Network Coordinator to the Climate Finance Access Network (CFAN), Rocky Mountain Institute (RMI), a US-based nonprofit corporation, seeks a reputable and experienced Firm to support the refinement of its training curriculum. 

Through a network of donors, member initiatives, and countries, CFAN was established to alleviate the challenge faced by developing countries in accessing climate finance to achieve their climate goals. By cultivating a network of highly trained and embedded in-country climate finance advisors, CFAN builds the capacity of developing countries to unlock critical climate finance. After attending CFAN’s multi-month, cohort-based training program, CFAN advisors (“advisors”) are placed in relevant government offices (e.g., ministries of finance or ministries of the environment) or Direct Access Entities (DAEs) to support and build capacity in Least Developed Countries (LDCs) and Small Island Developing States (SIDS) in Africa, the Caribbean, and the Pacific to access and structure climate finance. CFAN launched its first cohort in February 2022 and currently hosts eight advisors in the following Pacific countries: Fiji, Kiribati, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tuvalu, Tonga and Vanuatu. It will follow with an expanded Pacific cohort of embedded advisors in Federated States of Micronesia, Cook Islands, French Polynesia and the Pacific Community. CFAN will also launch a Caribbean cohort of Advisors in 2023, supporting both countries and overseas territories. 

 Project details 

CFAN’s state-of-the-art training is a rigorous, cohort-based, multi-month intensive program that grounds participants in a deep understanding of the climate finance ecosystem and prepares them to unlock finance flows. From climate finance fundamentals to region-tailored strategy, the training is designed to grow national and regional capacity by providing participants with the expertise required to accelerate finance for climate investments. 

The current five-month training comprises weekly live sessions and asynchronous online content. The training includes ad hoc individual office hours sessions, guest lectures, coursework, quizzes, and train-the trainer exercises. At present, the course is composed of five core modules: 

  • Module 1: Communication and facilitation 
  • Module 2: International climate finance foundations and trends 
  • Module 3: Climate finance sources project design and proposal processes 
  • Module 4: Climate finance instruments and financial structuring 
  • Module 5: Sectoral expertise 

Additionally, CFAN is scoping the addition of a sixth module on implementation and absorptive capacity.  

Module 1 (Communication and facilitation) of the CFAN training curriculum is highly specific to the regional context and as such, CFAN intends for the module to be designed exclusively by regional partners. As CFAN expands to new geographies, the module is entirely re-developed by an organisation working in the region. 

Objective of this ToR 

The objective of this ToR is to develop further Module 1 (Communication and facilitation) for the for the Caribbean regional context. CFAN will be working in both the eastern and western Caribbean, so content should be appropriately tailored for CARICOM members. Regional entities are the preferred delivery partners for this sub-module and consortia are accepted and encouraged where appropriate.  

The contractor will be expected to undertake the following tasks:  

Task 1- Develop outline for Module 1 

The contractor will be asked to prepare an outline for Module 1, considering the topics outlined in the table below. Regional case studies that supplement the content should be included where relevant.  

Sub-module  Description  
Stakeholder mapping 
  • Mapping key climate finance stakeholders in the region, including donors, funders, regional organisations, NGOs 
Multi-stakeholder processes 
  • Navigating political processes, managing conflicting interests 
  • Conducting gender inclusive consultations and consultations with marginalized groups 
  • Facilitating collaboration and coordination between the public and private sector 
Communicating with different audiences 
  • Tailoring messages to different audiences, including government officials, international donors, etc. 
  • Identifying effective forms of communication for different audiences 
Social inclusion 
  • Identifying historically marginalised groups in the Caribbean 
  • Preparing for consultation with impacted communities  
  • Tools and strategies to enhance inclusion 
  • Ensuring inclusion in the just transition 


Task 2- Draft new content 

Once the outline of proposed changes has been approved by CFAN, the contractor will be expected to begin drafting additional content. This will include slides as well as slide notes. The slide notes should elaborate on the content on the slide and provide speakers’ notes to enable the advisors to deliver the slide deck themselves.  

Additionally, the contractor will be expected to propose an agenda for two, two-hour live sessions. The live session will be delivered over zoom and should expand on the content of the module. This could take the form of a panel with regional stakeholders, or an interactive exercise related to stakeholder consultation or communication, for example. Interactive elements are highly encouraged. 

Task 3- Finalise content 

Following feedback from CFAN, the contractor will finalise all draft content including: the draft slides, draft slide notes, and draft agenda for the live session. Once all content has been approved by CFAN, the contractor will be expected to upload the new sub-module to CFAN’s Moodle site. 


Deliverable   Description 
1  Outline of proposed curricula for the new sub-module, including proposed interviews and draft agenda for the live sessions. 
2a  Draft slides  
2b  Draft slide notes 
2c  Draft run of shows for live sessions 
3a  Finalised slides 
3b  Finalised slide notes 
3c  Finalised run of show for live sessions 
3d  Recorded content uploaded to Moodle 


Proposed timeline 

Deliverable  Description  Proposed timeline 
1 Outline of proposed curricula for the new sub-module, including proposed interviews and agenda for live sessions 1 week after contract signing
2a Draft slides 6 weeks after contract signing
2b Draft slide notes 6 weeks after contract signing
2c Draft run of shows for live sessions 6 weeks after contract signing
3a Finalised slides 8 weeks after contract signing
3b Finalised slide notes 8 weeks after contract signing
3c Finalised run of show 8 weeks after contract signing
3d Recorded content uploaded to Moodle 10 weeks after contract signing



Proposals must be submitted via Workday- the link to the opportunity can be found here. Proposals should not exceed 10 pages, excluding annexes. It is expected that proposals will include the following details:  

  • A summary of the firm’s experience undertaking similar work; 
  • A summary of the proposed module and sub-modules, including learning objectives and outcomes for each; 
  • A brief methodology outlining the Firm’s approach for undertaking this work; 
  • A Gantt chart outlining the Firm’s work plan and timeline for completing the work; 
  • A financial proposal, indicating key personnel, the number of days and daily rates for each and any other costs associated with the completion of the work. 
  • In an annex, a list of the Firm’s relevant project references. 
  • In an annex, the Curriculum Vitae of personnel involved in the development of the module.  

Please note that RMI uses Workday for its procurement processes – the link below will lead you to RMI’s open procurement page, which will prompt you to create or sign into an account to view the RFQ you’re interested in.

Please contact Alex Milano ([email protected]) with any questions.

Extended Deadline: Friday October 20, 2023